Json2Json Java Package
Json2Json is Template based transformation design.
How Json2Json Works?
Just like the XSLT design, we want design a Json Template.
+ Source Json
===> Target Json
Json Entities
Source Json
- Source Json is the entity from which Json we get the information; e.g. source.json:
{ "json" : "hello world" }
Template Json
- Template is also a Json, which guides how tranform from the source Json to the target Josn; e.g. template.json:
{ "json2json" : {"%|": ["&$.json", " "]}}
- Note: Template must be a valid Json ( online Json validation ).
Target Json
- Target Json is the entity to which Json we want informtion to be; e.g. target.json:
{ "json2json" : ["hello", "world"] }
- Note: You can test this json2json with the example at online test.
How Template Works?
We design Template Unit to make transformation.
What is Template and Target Json?
Template Json is Json comprised of Tempalte Units; e.g.
{ "json2json" : *Template Unit* } :: Template Unit == {"%*":["&$.json", " "]}
Target Json is Template Json replaced the Tempalte Units by the Transformed Unit; e.g.
{ "json2json" : *Transformed Unit* } :: Transformed Unit == "hello world"
Template Unit
- Template Unit is a Json Object, which genetates the Transformed Unit, and will be replaced by this Transformed Unit in the Target Json. e.g.
-------- generate -----> | \. {"%|": ["&$.json", " "]} <-- replace -- "hello world"
Template Unit is designed as the following:
Thus, Template Unit is Json Format "Procedural Programming" design. It is just transforming by the execution of pieces of commands / procedures. It will be replaced by the transformed Json finally.
Transformed Unit
To do the transformation, we need process each Template Unit into Transformed Unit. How it works? We use the procedure language
Input Json Unit + Command/Procedue --> Output Json Unit.
How to Read Input Json Unit?
We use JsonPath to read Input Json Unit from the source.
Json Path Reference
To read json unit from the Source Json, we design the following reference.
" &JSONPATH " , e.g. "&$.json"
To understand how JsonPath works, you could read online JsonPath Design, and you can test / evaluate online.
- Note: DO NOT forget the reference ( & ) mark.
What Commands and Procedures?
How to design commands and procedure under the Template Unit framework?
Command Units
Since Json Objects include String, JsonArray, JsonObject, and others (e.g. boolean, numbers). We design String, Array, Map, and Expression commands.
Generally, we design command units as following:
Single-Parameter Command Unit
Multi-Parameter Command Unit
String Commands
Command | Symbol | Keyword | Parameter | Example | Output |
name | %symbol | %keyword | [ para_1,..., para_n ] | { "%symbol" : [ para_1,..., para_n ] } | output |
concatenate | %+ | %concat | [str_1,str_2] | { "%+" : ["hello","world"] } | "helloworld" |
split | %| | %split | [str, sep] | { "%|" : ["hello.world","."] } | ["hello", "world"] |
join | %* | %join | [ [str_1,..., str_n] , sep] | { "%*" : [ ["hello", "world"],"."] } | "hello.world" |
index | %? | %idx | [str_1, str_2] | {"%?" : ["hello.world", "hello"] } | 0 |
substring | %_ | %sub | [str, start, end] | {"%_" : ["hello.world", 0, 5] } | "hello" |
*length | %# | %len | str | {"%#" : "hello world"} | 11 |
replace | %/ | %rep | [str, s, r] | {"%/" : ["hello.world", ".", " "]} | "hello world" |
regex-match | %% | %rmatch | [str, reg] | {"%%" : ["hello.world", "[a-z]+"]} | ["hello", "world"] |
regex-split | %%| | %rsplit | [str, rsep] | {"%%|" : ["hello.world", ".l"]} | ["h", "lo.wo", "d"] |
regex-replace | %%/ | %rrep | [str, sreg, r] | {"%%/" : ["hello.world", ".l", "-"]} | "h-lo.wo-d" |
jsonpath | %& | %path | [jsonobject, path] | {"%&" : [{"hello" : "1", "world" : "2"}, "$.hello"] } | "1" |
- Note: We note the Single-Parameter Command with star (*) mark.
Array Commands
Command | Symbol | Keyword | Parameter | Example | Output |
name | %]symbol | %]keyword | [ para_1,..., para_n ] | { "%symbol" : [ para_1,..., para_n ] } | output |
add | %]+ | %array-add | [ [arr_1,..., arr_m], new] | {"%]+" : [ ["hello","world"], "!" ] } | ["hello","world", "!"] |
get | %]$ | %array-get | [ [arr_1,..., arr_m], index] | {"%]$" : [ ["hello", "world"], 0]} | "hello" |
set | %]/ | %array-set | [ [arr_1,..., arr_m], index, new] | {"%]/" : [ ["hello", "world"], 0, "hi"]} | ["hi","world"] |
remove | %]- | %array-rm | [ [arr_1,..., arr_m], index] | {"%]-" : [ ["hello","world"], 0] } | ["world"] |
*length | %]# | %array-len | [arr_1,..., arr_m] | {"%]#" : ["hello", "world"]} | 2 |
index | %]? | %array-idx | [[arr_1,..., arr_m], arr_x] | {"%]?" : [ ["hello", "world"],"hello"]} | 0 |
sublist | %]_ | %array-sub | [[arr_1,..., arr_m], start, end] | {"%]_" : [ ["hello", "world"], 0, 1]} | ["hello"] |
- Note: We note the Single-Parameter Command with star (*) mark.
Map Commands
Command | Symbol | Keyword | Parameter | Example | Output |
name | %}symbol | %}keyword | [ para_1,..., para_n ] | { "%symbol" : [ para_1,..., para_n ] } | output |
put | %}+ | %map-put | [ jsonobject, key, value] | {"%}+" : [{}, {"hello":"world"}] } | {"hello":"world"} |
get | %}$ | %map-get | [ jsonobject, key] | {"%}$" : [{"hello":"world"},"hello"]} | "world" |
*length | %}# | %map-len | jsonobject | {"%}#" : {"hello":"world"}} | 1 |
remove | %}- | %map-rm | jsonobject | {"%}-" : [{"hello" : "world"}, "hello"]} | {} |
*keys | %}* | %map-keys | jsonobject | {"%}*" : {"hello":"world"}} | ["hello"] |
- Note: We note the Single-Parameter Command with star (*) mark.
Expression Commands
Command | Symbol | Parameter | Example | Output |
name | symbol | [ para_1, para_2 ] | { "symbol" : [ para_1, para_2 ] } | output |
add , subtract , times , divide | + , - , * , / | [num_1, num_2] | { "+": [1, 2] } | 3 |
equal , not equal , greater than , less than | == , != , > , < | [num_1, num_2] | { ">": [1, 2] } | false |
and , or | && , || | [bool_1, bool_2] | { "&&": [true, false] } | false |
*negative | ! | bool | { "!": true } | false |
- Note: We note the Single-Parameter Command with star (*) mark.
Composition Commands
We are allowed to compose the above commands to make complex commands; e.g.
String Composition
Example: find all words from string, concat and regex-replace ".l" into "-".
{ "%%/" : [ {"%+" : {"%%" : ["hello.world", "[a-z]+"]} == ["hello", "world"] } == "helloworld" , ".l", "-" ] } == "h-lowo-d"
Boolean Composition
{"!": { "&&": [ { ">": [ 2, 3 ]}, { "==": [ 1, 1 ]} ]} } == false
- Note: We note there are Limits of composition. It will very hard to make correct composition, since we have to guess output format (object, array, string, boolean) to prepare correct parameters. Thus, complex composition is NOT suggested. To prevent complex composition, using Json Path Reference Command and Jsonpath String Commmand can be helpful.
Procedure Units
The most important about procedure is that it allows Variable. We design Procedure units as following:
Procedure Unit
Procedue Unit comprises 3 paramters : Initialization, Processes, Return-Value. We provide 2 procedure definition format.
{ "PROCEDURE-SYMBOL": [ { Initialization }, { "PROCESS-SYMBOL_1" : Process_1, "PROCESS-SYMBOL_2" : Process_2, ..., "PROCESS-SYMBOL_n" : Process_n, } , Return-Value ] }
Or you can also define it as following
{ "PROCEDURE-SYMBOL": { "INIT-SYMBOL" : { Initialization }, "PROCESS-SYMBOL_1" : Process_1, "PROCESS-SYMBOL_2" : Process_2, ..., "PROCESS-SYMBOL_n" : Process_n, "RETURN-SYMBOL" : Return-Value } }
From the above, the Transformed Unit will be "Return-Value". Once the procedure is transformed, it will be replaced by this return value.
Each Process can be an array of Step or just one Step
Single-Step Process
{ "PROCESS-SYMBOL" : Step, }
Multi-Step Process
{ "PROCESS-SYMBOL" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_m], }
Each Step can be a Command or an Assign Step.
Assign Step
{ "%variable" : value, }
- Note: Variable is noted by "%"
Variables must be declared and initialized in this sub-unit.
{ "%!variable_1" : value_1, "%!variable_2" : value_2, ..., "%!variable_k" : value_k, }
- Note: Variable is declared by "%!"
Return value can be a constant value, or a variable defined in the initialization.
There are 3 typical procedures: IF-TEHN-ELSE, FOR-EACH, and DO-WHILE.
{"%!IF" : {
"%$" : { "%!variable_1" : value_1,
"%!variable_2" : value_2,
"%!variable_k" : value_k
"%<>" : Expression,
"%THEN" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_l] ,
"%ELSE" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_m],
"%#" : $return-object }
Or the other format:
{"%!IF" : [ { "%!variable_1" : value_1,
"%!variable_2" : value_2,
"%!variable_k" : value_k
{ "%<>" : Expression,
"%THEN" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_l] ,
"%ELSE" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_m]
$return-object ]
Name | Keyword | Symbol |
Initialization | %DEF | %$ |
Return-Value | %RET | %# |
Expression | %EXP | %<> |
We provide an example that choosing a URL according to name.
{ "uri" : { "%!IF": [ { "%!uri": "" },
{ "%<>" : { "==": [ "&$.name", "OpenNLP" ]},
"%THEN" : { "%uri": "http://www.opennlp.org"},
"%ELSE" : { "%uri": "http://unknown.org" }
"%uri" ]
Or it can also be:
{ "uri" : { "%!IF": {
"%$" : { "%!uri": "" },
"%<>" : { "==": [ "&$.name", "OpenNLP" ]},
"%THEN" : { "%uri": "http://www.opennlp.org"},
"%ELSE" : { "%uri": "http://unknown.org" },
"%#" : "%uri" }
The Target Json will be:
{ "uri" : "http://www.opennlp.org" }
{"%!FOR" : {
"%$" : { "%!variable_1" : value_1,
"%!variable_2" : value_2,
"%!variable_k" : value_k
"%[]" : [[iterator_1, iterator_2, ..., iterator_l], "%i", "%e"],
"%EACH" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_m] ,
"%#" : $return-object }
Or the other format:
{"%!FOR" : [ { "%!variable_1" : value_1,
"%!variable_2" : value_2,
"%!variable_k" : value_k
{ "%[]" : [[iterator_1, iterator_2, ..., iterator_l], "%i", "%e"],
"%EACH" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_m]
$return-object ]
Name | Keyword | Symbol |
Initialization | %DEF | %$ |
Return-Value | %RET | %# |
Iteration | %ITER | %[] |
We provide an example that iterating a string array and concating all of them.
{ "letters" : { "%!FOR": {
"%$" : { "%!str": "" },
"%[]" : [ ["hello", "world"], "%i", "%e"],
"%EACH" : {"%str": {"%+": ["%str", "%e"]} },
"%#" : "%str" }
Or it can also be:
{ "letters" : { "%!FOR": [ { "%!str" : "" },
{ "%[]" : [ ["hello", "world"], "%i", "%e"],
"%EACH" : {"%str": {"%+": ["%str", "%e"]}
"%str" ]
The Target Json will be:
{ "letters" : "helloworld" }
{"%!WHILE" : {
"%$" : { "%!variable_1" : value_1,
"%!variable_2" : value_2,
"%!variable_k" : value_k
"%<>" : Expression,
"%DO" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_l] ,
"%#" : $return-object }
Or the other format:
{"%!WHILE" : [ { "%!variable_1" : value_1,
"%!variable_2" : value_2,
"%!variable_k" : value_k
{ "%<>" : Expression,
"%DO" : [Step_1, Step_2, ..., Step_l]
$return-object ]
Name | Keyword | Symbol |
Initialization | %DEF | %$ |
Return-Value | %RET | %# |
Expression | %EXP | %<> |
We provide an example that repeating text of "go!" until its length not greater than 10.
{ "duplicated" : { "%!WHILE": {
"%$" : { "%!str": "" },
"%<>" : { "<": [ {"%#": "%str"}, 10] },
"%DO" : {"%str": {"%+": ["%str", " go!"]}},
"%#" : "%str" }
Or it can also be:
{ "duplicated" : { "%!WHILE": [ { "%!str": "" },
{ "%<>" : { "<": [ {"%#": "%str"}, 10] },
"%DO" : {"%str": {"%+": ["%str", " go!"]}}
"%str" ]
The Target Json will be:
{ "duplicated" : "go!go!go!go!" }
More Examples
We have a Source Json. It is records of CDs.
"catalog": {
"-xmlns:foo": "http://www.foo.org/",
"-xmlns:bar": "http://www.bar.org",
"foo:cd": [
"title": "Empire Burlesque",
"artist": "Bob Dylan",
"country": "USA",
"company": "Columbia",
"price": "10.90",
"bar:year": "1985"
"title": "Hide your heart",
"artist": "Bonnie Tyler",
"country": "UK",
"company": "CBS Records",
"price": "9.90",
"bar:year": "1988"
"title": "Greatest Hits",
"artist": "Dolly Parton",
"country": "USA",
"company": "RCA",
"price": "9.90",
"bar:year": "1982"
If we want to organize it into the table.
"html": {
"-xmlns:bar": "http://www.bar.org",
"-xmlns:foo": "http://www.foo.org/",
"body": {
"h2": "My CD Collection",
"table": {
"-border": "1",
"tr": [
"-bgcolor": "#9acd32",
"th": [
"td": [
"Empire Burlesque",
"Bob Dylan",
"td": [
"Hide your heart",
"Bonnie Tyler",
"CBS Records",
"td": [
"Greatest Hits",
"Dolly Parton",
How can we realize this transformation?
We implement a Template.
"html": {
"-xmlns:bar": "http://www.bar.org",
"-xmlns:foo": "http://www.foo.org/",
"body": {
"h2": "My CD Collection",
"table": {
"-border": "1",
"tr": { "%!FOR" : {
"%$" : {"%!arr":[ { "-bgcolor": "#9acd32",
"th": [
"Year" ]
} ]
"%[]" : ["&$.catalog.foo:cd", "%i", "%e"],
"%EACH" : {"%arr": {"%]+": ["%arr", {"td": [
{"%&":["%e", "$.title"]} ,
{"%&":["%e", "$.artist"]},
{"%&":["%e", "$.country"]},
{"%&":["%e", "$.company"]},
{"%&":["%e", "$.price"]},
{"%&":["%e", "$.bar:year"]}
"%#" : "%arr"
- Define
as an array with one element "th". - Use "FOR-EACH" procedure to realize the transformation.
- Iterate over Json Path Reference (
). - Add each "td" into the array "%arr" using the Array ADD Command (
{"%]+",[ $array, $element ]}
) - Assign the ADDED array (
) using the Assign Step (`{"%arr": *ADDED }`*) - Return the array (
What we want to support next. A TODO list can be as following:
- Multiple Json Sources Support
- URI import Json Support.
- Remove dependence of Groovy engine.
Maven dependency is like this.